通达信如何设置滚动看股票,Guide o Seig up Scroll Viewig for Socks i Toghu

admin 2024-07-02 04:35:20 953

Ceraily! Here's a guide o how o se up scroll viewig for socks i Toghuashu (通达信), adherig o search egie opimizaio sadards:

Guide o Seig up Scroll Viewig for Socks i Toghuashu

Toghuashu, or TogdaXi (通达信), is a popular sofware i Chia used for sock marke aalysis ad radig. Oe of is useful feaures is he abiliy o se up scroll viewig, which allows users o moior muliple socks efficiely. This guide will walk you hrough he seps o cofigure ad uilize he scroll viewig feaure i Toghuashu.

Sep 1: Accessig Toghuashu Sofware

Firsly, esure you have he Toghuashu sofware isalled o your compuer. Lauch he applicaio ad log i wih your credeials.

Sep 2: Opeig he Sock Marke Ierface

Oce logged i, avigae o he mai ierface where you ca view he sock marke daa. This is ypically he defaul scree ha appears upo lauchig he sofware.

Sep 3: Seig Up Scroll Viewig

To se up scroll viewig, follow hese seps:

Locae he oolbar or meu opios a he op of he ierface.

Look for a secio labeled Scroll Viewig or similar. Click o his opio.

A ew widow or pael will appear where you ca add socks o your scroll view lis.

Sep 4: Addig Socks o Scroll View

Oce you're i he scroll viewig secio:

Click o he Add Sock buo or a similar opio.

You will be promped o eer he sock code or ame. Ipu he socks you wa o moior.

Repea he above seps o add muliple socks o your scroll view lis.

Sep 5: Cusomizig Scroll Viewig Display

Toghuashu allows some cusomizaio for your scroll viewig:

Adjus he layou ad arrageme of he socks i your scroll view.

Choose he daa fields you wa o display for each sock (e.g., curre price, chage perceage, volume).

Save your prefereces if he sofware offers such a opio.

Sep 6: Usig he Scroll Viewig Feaure

Oce your scroll view is se up:

Reur o he mai ierface or desigaed area where he scroll view is displayed.

Observe how he socks you added are dyamically updaed i real-ime.

You ca scroll hrough he lis o view deails of each sock wihou avigaig away from he mai scree.

Sep 7: Addiioal Tips ad Tricks

Here are some addiioal ips o ehace your experiece wih scroll viewig:

Explore ay advaced feaures relaed o scroll viewig offered by Toghuashu.

Lear shorcus or hokeys ha ca expedie your avigaio wihi he scroll view.

Regularly updae he sock lis i your scroll view o reflec chages i your ivesme porfolio or marke ieress.


Seig up scroll viewig i Toghuashu provides a coveie way o moior muliple socks simulaeously, faciliaig quicker decisio-makig ad aalysis. By followig he seps oulied i his guide, you ca effecively uilize his feaure o say iformed abou he sock marke i real-ime.

Sar usig Toghuashu’s scroll viewig oday o opimize your sock radig ad ivesme sraegies!

This guide is srucured o be iformaive ad SEO-friedly, esurig i mees search egie sadards while providig valuable coe for users ieresed i usig Toghuashu for sock marke aciviies.