同花顺股票量比如何设置,Seig Up he Volume Raio Idicaor o Toghuashu

Ceraily! Here's a aricle o how o se up he volume raio idicaor o he Toghuashu (同花顺) sock radig plaform:

Seig Up he Volume Raio Idicaor o Toghuashu

Toghuashu (同花顺) is a popular sock radig plaform i Chia, offerig a variey of echical idicaors o help raders make iformed decisios. Oe such idicaor is he volume raio, which ca provide valuable isighs io marke reds ad ivesor seime. I his guide, we will walk hrough he seps o se up ad ierpre he volume raio idicaor o Toghuashu.

Udersadig he Volume Raio Idicaor

The volume raio idicaor o Toghuashu measures he relaioship bewee he curre radig volume ad he average radig volume over a specified period. I helps raders gauge wheher he curre radig aciviy is uusually high or low compared o hisorical orms. This ca idicae poeial price movemes ad marke sregh.

Typically, he volume raio is displayed as a raio or perceage, comparig oday's volume wih he average volume over a cerai umber of days. A higher volume raio suggess icreased radig aciviy, which could imply sroger marke ieres or a poeial red reversal.

Seps o Se Up he Volume Raio Idicaor

Seig up he volume raio idicaor o Toghuashu is sraighforward. Follow hese seps:

1. Log I o Toghuashu: Ope he Toghuashu plaform ad log i o your accou.

2. Access Sock Tradig Ierface: avigae o he sock radig ierface where you wa o apply he volume raio idicaor. You ca choose a specific sock or view broader marke idices.

3. Ope Techical Idicaors: Look for he opio o add echical idicaors. This is usually foud i a oolbar or meu labeled Idicaors or echical Aalysis.

4. Selec Volume Raio Idicaor: I he lis of available idicaors, locae ad selec Volume Raio or similar. Toghuashu may have variaios i amig, bu he cocep remais cosise across plaforms.

5. Adjus Parameers: Oce you add he volume raio idicaor, you may eed o adjus parameers such as he umber of days for calculaig he average volume. Commo periods iclude 5 days, 10 days, or a user-defied period.

6. Apply ad Save: Afer adjusig parameers, apply he idicaor o he char. Save he seigs if he plaform requires cofirmaio.

Ierpreig he Volume Raio Idicaor

Ierpreig he volume raio idicaor ivolves udersadig is implicaios for radig decisios:

- High Volume Raio: A high volume raio idicaes uusually high radig aciviy compared o he average. This could sigal srog ivesor ieres ad poeially idicae a breakou or breakdow i price reds.

- Low Volume Raio: Coversely, a low volume raio suggess subdued radig aciviy relaive o hisorical averages. This may idicae a period of cosolidaio or idecisio i he marke.

- Cofirmaio wih Price Movemes: To validae sigals from he volume raio idicaor, raders ofe look for correspodig price movemes. For example, a high volume raio accompaied by a price icrease may cofirm bullish momeum.

Usig Volume Raio i Tradig Sraegies

Traders icorporae he volume raio io various radig sraegies:

- Breakou Sraegies: High volume raios durig price breakous ca validae he sregh of he red.

- Reversal Sraegies: Divergece bewee price movemes ad volume raios may sigal poeial reversals.

- Cofirmaio Tool: Use he volume raio as a cofirmaio ool alogside oher echical idicaors or fudameal aalysis.


The volume raio idicaor o Toghuashu is a valuable ool for raders lookig o gauge marke aciviy ad seime. By udersadig how o se up ad ierpre his idicaor, raders ca make more iformed decisios based o radig volume relaive o hisorical orms. Icorporae he volume raio io your radig sraegy o ehace your abiliy o ideify poeial opporuiies ad maage risk effecively.

Explore Toghuashu's rage of echical idicaors o furher refie your radig approach ad say ahead i he dyamic sock marke evirome.

This aricle provides a comprehesive guide o seig up ad uilizig he volume raio idicaor o Toghuashu, caerig o boh ovice ad experieced raders lookig o ehace heir radig sraegies.


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